A few years ago I met a girl that was a totally free spirit. She was completely comfortable with her sexuality and loved having new experiences. One day she told me she had started doing webcams and that was the very first time I’d ever heard of them. She showed me how they worked and I was instantly captivated.
I checked out several sites that cater to cams and found that Cam BB offers the most variety and has the best quality. You can log in any time of day or night and find performers like canbebought that would love to spend time with you. It’s completely up to you what kind of experience you have. There are times I log in and all I do is watch the free shows and call it a night. Other times, especially when I’m feeling lonely, I’ll chat it up with my favorite performers and even flirt. When I’m really horny and want to have an intense experience, I use the Cam 2 Cam feature so the performer can see me at the same time.