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Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

I have spent so much of my life taking completely passive positions when it comes to women. I have never been the type to have a plan, I just go with the flow when it comes to the opposite sex. I am the type of guy who always asks where they want to go to […]

There’s Nothing Holding You Back

Sometimes we encounter obstacles that keep us from getting exactly what we want or need, or that delay us in some fashion. I would like to think of these as learning opportunities, chances to really prove my resilience and show myself how strong, or clever, or resourceful I can be. I would like to view […]

Lick your lips as you watch these free sex cams!

When was the last time that you actually did something that you liked? I’m sure there’s a bunch of you guys that are just like me and are always putting others before yourself. Just the other week a good friend of mine was down on his luck and not feeling so good. I could have […]